IX. Undergo Financial Bootcamp in a Day (Written by Alan Henry)

Today's article is something that I feel requires a lot of specific attention, and has a lot to offer. Without further adieu, I present Alan Henry's article "Take a Day Off and Put Yourself Through Financial Boot Camp," originally found here.

VIII. The Backstory to the Latest Great Moment of My Life

Today, I'm going to talk to you about something extraordinary that happened to me the other day.

VII. Spotlight: "How Video Games Saved My Life"

No article today. No gimmicks. Nothing to detract from what I have to share.
Just a link to a community, ruled by internet celebrity Ashly Burch, of how gaming changes lives.

VI. Battle Procrastination With the Pomodoro Method

There are many different ways to fight procrastination, and nothing works universally for everyone. However, there's no harm in upgrading your arsenal of productive techniques. Allow me to introduce you to the Pomodoro Method.

IV. Cinemagraphs: 35 Demonstrations of Static Beauty

To the uninitiated, a cinemagraph is what happens when stunning photography meets excellent animation skills. A subsection of the GIF category of photography, cinemagraphs are elegantly designed, subtle nods of beauty. Typically, only one or two elements of the shot are in flux, while everything else remains completely still. The effect can be haunting, it can be inspiration, and it can be gorgeous.